I wanted to share the following with you all that my friend Anna wrote in support of my cause. I have known Anna and her twin sister Amy since our childhood days on the playground- we have all been on many adventures in this crazy life and I am so blessed to have the support of them to this day!
I think running marathons is crazy. It takes a certain taint of foolishness to go out onto the pavement, day after day, and run those little legs to jelly just to end up right at your front door again. But it’s that type of crazy that makes all the difference in the world. I have known Sarah for a long time, and I am blessed by her gentleness, edged by a drive within her that pushes her along towards the better; whether it be decisions, or jobs, or her faith, or her running goals. She, like me, has been deeply affected by cancer and we can share in that struggle like so many. When I was 3, my siblings and I lost our 30 year old mother to colon cancer back when it was an obscure and predominantly fatal type. That is how cancer came crashing into our reality and has never quite wanted to leave. My family also recently lost a beloved sister and aunt again far too young and full of a life to live to have to submit it to something that seems so unnecessary.
This is why what Sarah is doing is so important, and what we can do as supporters is even more vital to this cause. Because cancer is a reality for all of us, and even though Sarah is the crazy one who will go out and pound pavement, we are the ones that can take moments and support her along the way to idealism. Even one story made ideal, when cancer is prevented or treated, is worth some foolishness.
As Albert Schweitzer says, “even if it’s a little thing, do something for those in need of help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.” So go get ‘em Sarah and keep being crazy!"
Thank you, Anna, for your support and writing this.
Last weekend, we raised $235 in honor of my sorority sister Kristin, and I hope that this week we can raise the same amount! Thanks again to all of you who have donated, every dollar makes a difference! Let's get to $1,000 by the end of the week :)
Have a great week!
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